National manufacturer of
immunobiological products in Russia
National manufacturer of
immunobiological products in Russia

About the company

  • 9 manufacturing sites

  • More than 18 million packages — production capacity

  • More than 250 medicine products

  • More than 5,000 employees

Scientific and Production Association “Microgen” is the largest Russian developer and manufacturer of immunobiological preparations: vaccines, bacteriophages, blood preparations, botulinum toxin A and other products, standing at the origin of the development of biomedical technologies in Russia and creating modern medicines today.

The association was founded in 2003 through the merger of key state biopharmaceutical enterprises leading its history from 19th and 20th centuries and possessing highly qualified personnel and a broad manufacturing base. The purpose of the new structure was to strengthen the scientific and production potential of the acquired assets and to provide the Russian population with vital pharmaceuticals.

Today, the company's development envisages the following areas of activity:

  • Improvement of the company's product portfolio: creation of new drugs and dosage forms, expansion of indications for the use of manufactured products;
  • Creation of new production facilities for immunobiologic drugs;
  • Creation of modern laboratory and experimental-industrial infrastructure, concentrating the scientific potential of the enterprise and allowing to promptly develop and bring new drugs and dosage forms to clinical trials;
  • Preservation and multiplication of existing unique scientific and production competencies of the enterprise.

SPA Microgen's product portfolio includes more than 250 original biologics, which are produced according to the full production cycle, from preparation of the substance (active ingredient) to the labeling and packaging stages. More than 160 products of the portfolio are included in the list of vital and essential drugs (VED). The company's products are supplied to the markets of 11 countries around the world.

SPA Microgen carries out a full cycle of biologics development - from substance development, clinical trials to release into civil circulation, which guarantees stability and affordability of medicines for Russian patients.

The structure of SPA Microgen includes 9 high-tech production sites located in different regions of the country. The total production capacity of the company allows it to produce more than 18 mln packs of biologics per year.

Today the association is the leader in terms of vaccine production in Russia, in physical terms it accounts for 50% of the domestic market. The company's production portfolio includes 24 vaccines, on average 14 of which are supplied under the National Preventive Vaccination Calendar program. The total annual output of the company's current portfolio of vaccines and anatoxins exceeds 50 million doses.

SPA Microgen is also the country's largest producer of human albumins and immunoglobulins, the only producer of heterologous serums, therapeutic bacteriophages and a wide range of allergens. In addition, in 2013, SPA Microgen was the first among Russian companies to develop and market domestic botulinum toxin type A – Relatox®.

The company employs more than 5,000 highly qualified specialists.