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NPO Microgen and National Association of the Specialists in Infections Control agreed to pool efforts in vaccination popularization area

Within the World Immunization Week, NPO Microgen (part of the Nacimbio holding of Rostec State Corporation) and National Association of the Specialists in Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections (NP “NASCI”) declare the start of co-operation in raising awareness among the Russian Federation population of the benefits of preventive vaccination as the essential means to combat infectious diseases. The relevant agreement was signed by the parties this month.

The instrument stipulates public awareness building events, joint meetings and consultations to form compliance to vaccination in the community. The parties intend to share information related to current issues of vaccination. In particular, they have already reached an agreement on information cooperation based on mobile application of NPO Microgen “Vaccines: Personal Schedule”. The application will cite the Association experts’ materials from the official site of NP “NASCI” “I’m vaccinated” (

“Vaccination is an undeniable right of every person to health and life protection and, unfortunately, by no means all people in the world can exercise it. It is particularly unfair when children, whose parents are in doubt under the influence of some sources publishing incorrect information, do not take vital while currently available vaccines. Together with the doubtless authority in preventive vaccination, the NASCI association, we will systematically educate the public on the benefits of vaccination which have prevented us from the cruelest diseases for over two centuries,” Andrei Zagorsky, General Director of Nacimbio holding, said.

“The tremendous labor of scientists aimed at development and production of new vaccines may not result in well-deserved success without awareness-raising activities for explanation of safety and efficiency of vaccination. It is the understanding of the importance of such activity that underlies our co-operation with NPO Microgen. Information about vaccination and vaccines should be open, available and reliable. Only such approach in the community may form a conscious need in vaccination and facilitate the reaching of a required vaccination coverage which guarantees a stable epidemic situation in the country,” Nikolay Briko, Chairman of NP “NASCI”, explained as to the goals of the co-operation.

NP “NASCI” works to develop science and practice in order to ensure the Russians protection from infections.  The Association leads an active scientific-research and awareness building work among the population and healthcare professionals and has a broad database on infectious diseases.

A mobile application about vaccination has been created by NPO Microgen to raise awareness among broad population of vaccination against infectious diseases and to help users plan and take vaccines. Preventive vaccination is the essential means to combat infectious diseases, and the mobile application by NPO Microgen contributes to the implementation of the vaccination program in the RF approved by Resolution of the Russian Federation Government No. 2390-p dated September 18, 2020.

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