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Relatox in dentistry: options of use

New independent study of Russian Botulinum toxin type A by NPO Microgen has confirmed the efficiency of its use in dentistry in patients with masseters' dysfunction.

Relatox application in subjects allowed reliably reducing muscle tone, decreasing pain intensity and achieving positive changes in the disease area. Based on the results of the project, botulinum toxin injections were recommended for health service practices, and the manufacturer included the drug into the plan of presumptive clinical trials on extension of indications for its use in neurology.

Masseters' dysfunction holds a special place among dental diseases due to the difficulties of its diagnostics and treatment. According to the statistics, 25 to 75% of dentists’ patients show signs of this disease, and in the structure of mandibular pathology, it ranks high with over 80%. The reasons of hypertonicity development are stress, mandibular and muscles injuries, congenital abnormalities. Patients feel pain in the head, temples and neck, suffer snoring and tooth-grinding. The tone may develop in any individual and is the direct reason of dental decay, may cause oxygen deficiency, trouble talking and disproportion in face. One of the efficient methods of such patients’ treatment is Botulinum Toxin Therapy.

The trial was initiated by the group of authors at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and Kazan State Medical University and published in Russian Journal of Dentistry: (M.I. Soikher, O.R. Orlova, L.R. Mingazova, M.G. Soikher, A.A. Mamedova. Comparative prospective trial of the safety and efficacy of the Russian Botulinum toxin type A Relatox to correct masseters hypertonicity in patients with myofascial pain syndrome).

Today, Relatox developed by SPA Microgen JSC is successfully used both in cosmetology, and for neurological indications: for mimic wrinkles correction, treatment of blepharism, upper limb muscle spasticity after a stroke, in hyperhidrosis. Last year, scientists of NPO Microgen started clinical trials of toxin to expand the scope of its use in the treatment of cervical dystonia and chronic migraine.

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